Home » Jammu Kashmir » J&K Oil Tankers’ Union Demands Package For Transport Sector in Budget 2024 J&K Oil Tankers’ Union Seeks Tax Rebate for Transport Sector in Budget 2024

J&K Oil Tankers’ Union Demands Package For Transport Sector in Budget 2024 J&K Oil Tankers’ Union Seeks Tax Rebate for Transport Sector in Budget 2024

J&K Oil Tankers’ Union Demands Package For Transport Sector in Budget 2024 J&K Oil Tankers’ Union Seeks Tax Rebate for Transport Sector in Budget 2024

Jammu, 29/Jan/2024: Ahead of Union Budget 2024, All Jammu And Kashmir Oil &   LPG Tank,  Truck  Drivers & Cleaners Union, one of the focal and  prominent elected body of transporters in Jammu and Kashmir has urged the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to look into the problems faced by transporters across India and specially that belonging to border and hilly state of Jammu and Kashmir and announce special package for the transport sector. The union in its appeal requested the finance minister to address the basic issues of the transporters including  reducing  road taxes, toll taxes, Penalties, fines, late fees charges,  tax on vehicle insurance and also reduce GST on purchase of new transport vehicles.

Laying importance of contribution of transporter sector in nation’s economy, Ranjit Singh Raina, the president of the drivers Union said that Transport sector is one of the most important sector of Indian economy yet it is most ignored one.

Presenting the demand of the transporter, he called for strict compliance of minimum wages law for drivers, cleaners and transport labours. In his appeal, he also requested the union government to launch special schemes for the welfare of drivers and cleaners who become permanent disabled in road accidents while performing their duties. Sardar Harasis Singh, the spokesperson of the union informed that All Jammu and  Kashmir Oil &   LPG Tank,  Truck  Drivers & Cleaners Union would submit a detailed  memorandum to the Chief Secretary,  J & K  highlighting the sufferings of the drivers and cleaner on road especially between Jammu_ Srinagar Highway. Pertinent to mention here that Finance Minister  Nirmala Sitharamn would present Union interim budget on Thursday, 01 Feb 2024.

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